Friday, September 14, 2007

Why IR?

In class yesterday we were asked the question why IR? Additionally we discussed what is important about studying theories. And for me these both intersect. The reason why i chose IR is because of the many theories it entails. There is a certain typed of analytical thinking i believe one develops during the study of international relations because of the way we pick apart theories and apply them to events both past and present. I think it is this constant analyzing we do as IR majors that it is most important. Because by doing so we discover weaknesses and strengths in many concepts or "isms" that have been accepted by scholars for years. In light of the many weaknesses in IR theory we are forced to think of alternative explanations and propositions as to why things occur. It is this thought process that can be applied to just about any other aspect of one's life. It is important to take what is widely accepted, be it socially, academically, etc and really take a closer look and ask questions. This is what we do in IR and this is what we should be doing in our everyday lives because it it the type of thinking that promotes growth as well as change. The ability to grow and change your way of thinking over time, I believe, is necessary not only for success but for survival. I mean not so dramatic as it is a life and death situation, but for instance. Take the middle east. For years they were the world leaders in "technology" and academics, however they chose to ignore events such as the enlightenment and the industrial revolution. As a result they were left behind and have been playing catch up ever since. Additionally the change the world underwent while they were secluding themselves consequently has no input from the middle east which is why world values of today strongly disagree with their own. They waited too long to try and give their said in how they think things should be. Had they done so earlier the world we live in may have turned out differently. Its like trying to teach a criminal morals after the fact. The ability to think reflect, grow, and challenge are necessary skills that i believe are acquired through the study of IR.

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